Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I think your cat is fat

It is quite possible that today has been one of the best days ever. I went to my classes and then wasn't really looking forward to going to work at all, but today surprised me. My coworker C and I did trash and talked about Marxism, capitalism, phonetics, the importance of intonation in different languages, asking rhetorical questions in sign language, and everything else imaginable.

So, we were talking about tone and speaking in Chinese, and joking about how if you get the tone wrong when you mean to say "I think you're pretty" it could conceivably come out as being "I think your cat is fat" instead. A guy sitting on a bench near the trash can we were changing was listening and he told us how to say "I think your cat is fat" in Mandarin, which made my day. He also told us that he had overheard us earlier when we'd been doing trash on a different floor and were discussing W's and H's.

There were sets to do, things to clean, and jokes to be told. We wrote down a million quotes from everything that happened today. It was spring outside. I hummed a song I had stuck in my head. I awarded people points for various hilarious reasons. S played the piano while I joked with A. C received good news about her husband's pell grant. Today I was happy for people.

Mostly today was good because it felt like the Summer, and not just because of the weather. Today really took me back to how much fun last summer was, and reminded me that work could be fun again. When we were joking today I asked myself how was I going to leave these people in the Spring? I stay where I work for the people, which is how I got sucked into staying in Provo last Summer.

And today was amazingly fun, just like my job used to be. My shift ended with two incredible events occurring. First - one of my coworkers (a guy) put on some heels we found in the ballroom and danced the Cha Cha with another coworker. Hilarity and a lot of flash photography ensued. Second - I slapped a coworker in the face. As hard as I could. Some months ago S promised me I could slap him, or rather I told him that I would someday, and he agreed. Today I called in that promise and hit him as hard as I could. I think it's one of those things that if I went through life without having slapped someone I would have regretted it.

I'm severely overjoyed. The end


Krista said...

Stay for this summer, too! please!

Also, your day got even awesomer because you got to see me. Yessss.

Krebscout said...

Also, your day could get even awesummer if you decide to stay and play with us.

Unknown said...

I'd be pleased if you were to stay, but then again, you probably could have guessed that.

Clearly, it's not just me, either.

Anonymous said...

Did the slap leave a mark? That makes it a little more thrilling.

Your post makes me miss spring at BYU, it is a beautiful feeling.

Ben said...

Points for krebscout's metapun.