Saturday, March 31, 2007


Well, M-Lite's surgery went really well, and we got her pathology report back yesterday. No more cancer! Hooray! The doctor gave us a double thumbs up. She's going to have a sweet scar though, let me tell you.

Also, it was actually kind of fun being at the hospital on Thursday when she went in to have her surgery. F2 and I kept joking with the medical people coming in and out, we took some fun pictures with M-Lite, and we got to eat some Handi Snacks and apple juice. Yum! Perhaps best of all is that I made M-Lite a cancer crossword while she was out. It's a thing of beauty, if you haven't already seen it.

She goes back on Monday and Friday to have some staples removed, but other than that she's mostly done. I just wanted to say I'm incredibly thankful for everyone who helped us out these last few weeks, either by coming with us to Salt Lake, making M-Lite food, taping paper effigies of themselves (as well as some celery) to out front door, or just by asking how she's been doing. It really has meant a lot to me, so thank you.

1 comment:

Krista said...

Phew. Please congratulate her for me. Scary stuff, and I'm glad she's all right.