Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The pith of the matter

A pith helmet! I'm overjoyed. My dad sent it to me for my birthday, and I must say it's one of the coolest things I've ever been given. I'm trying to think of ways I can put it to good use this summer. Oh boy I'm excited. It's made me rather giddy, having such a cool hat. I wore it last night when we went to Kiwanis Park and played on the jungle gym. It's the closest thing I've got to a real jungle for now, but it sure was fun.

Other news: tomorrow is the two month mark for how long I've had this piece of floss tied around my finger for no reason. It's also Pi day, and the Happy Pirates are having a show! I wrote new words to "In Our Lovely Deseret" on Sunday to make another pirate hymn. This is how it goes -

On the high seas of Pro-vo, where we sail and yell "yo ho!"
are us pi-rates and we like to do improv.
We are swar-thy, we are knaves, we have scur-vy, we don't shave
and we never wear char-treuse or puce or mauve!
Arr! Arr! Arr! We're hap-py pi-rates. Bliss-ful Bucc-an-eers are we.
When we come to do a show, oh we hope that it won't blow
b-ut, after all you did get in for free!

In addition to this hymn I have "Pirates can be together forever" and "Shiv one another." All three of them are terribly catchy.

Also, it's my birthday this Friday the 16th of March, and I'm terribly excited for it to come. My family mailed my birthday package yesterday and I've been promised that it contains my favorite kind of jam. I'm so happy right now.


LJ said...

Ohhhh mercy. That hymn will live in infamy in my mind forever. You're hilarious.

Also, my little brother sings the "Hark! Hark! Hark!" part of the chorus barking like a seal. With appropriate hand/flipper motions.

If you can imagine it funny, you should see it in person. It's a tear-jerker.

Genuine Draft said...

Oh my goodness - I sing it like a seal too, and I always clap my hands like flippers. How weird is that?

Anonymous said...

you're not supposed to know that your favorite kind of jam is in there! did H tell you? cause she was saying that to distract you from the fact that she didn't even get you anything.

Thirdmango said...

Huzzah for Pi Day!

Krista said...

Genuine, if we weren't be friends, I would be crying right now, at the thought of missing out on such awesomeness. How I love you.

"yrlobvts" I have your gold W and you'll never see it again.

Ben said...

"Shiv One Another". Amazing.

ahem. said...

I had just bought your birthday present when I saw you at the Wilk. I hope you like it. It was either this, or a book about pirates. Hopefully I made the right decision. If not, pretend to be excited about it anyway.

Anonymous said...

For a person who only prewtends to sing, you sure have a knack for lyrics. Keep up the good work, you could have a hynmal for pirates...just something to think about. I have yet to get you a present...but if you demanded something of me I would certainly get it for you....so don't be shy. I'll call tomorrow.