Thursday, February 05, 2009


Today I am in the weak and smelly stage of being sick. It is tons o' fun. I went to classes yesterday for twelve hours despite being sick because Wednesdays are my big day and I had lots of stuff due. But Optimistic. has been really nice -today he scrubbed the tub and suggested I take a relaxing bath. I am sure his offer is sincere and has nothing to do with the way I smell. He also gave me my Valentine's day present early - a whole huge carton of goldfish crackers! I feel very blessed despite being filled to the brim with snot.


LJ said...

I finally recovered from my cold and left an entire litter of crumpled Kleenex by my side of the bed. Which Adam gathered up and threw into the fireplace. And then I yelled "Cast it into the fire!" a la Lord of the Rings and laughed my butt off.

krebscout said...

hey I have snot too.

(captcha: "orkywo," as in the sadness that the orcs felt when they realized that LJ was making fun of their movie)

Andy M said...

skimming this I thought it said a bathtub full of goldfish crackers which is AWESOME.

Marcene said...

Apparently our whole family has colds. I am sick as is andy, and Allen.
Feel Better!!!!