Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I choose not to run for president in 1928

Since I'm home for most of the day every day I've taken to changing things around the house. In the living room I put up my fake clock (which always throws people off when they realize it's cardboard) as well as some of my slang flash cards.

There also used to be a stuffed maroon thing above the kitchen sink that I've never cared for, but when I tried to take it down once I found that it was covering up some holes in the wall.

So I finally thought of what to put in its place - my Presidents of the United States educational place mat! Now I can do the dishes and learn about the presidents at the same time.

Also, true to my love of making things out of cardboard I made a toilet paper holder for my bathroom out of some boxes I had. It holds eight rolls and is slightly asymmetric (on purpose of course).


Audrey said...

Way to use your time constructively!

LJ said...

Psssh. As if you needed to learn more about the presidents.

Also: that clock wigged me out every time. Every. Dang. Time.