Thursday, July 03, 2008

I blame you for my pickle factory accident!

Dear My Bladder,
You should be relieved to know that despite the dream I had this morning you are not powered by lithium batteries.*

Ever yours,
Genuine P. Draft

*Upon hearing about my dream Optimistic replied "lithium batteries, or lithium blatteries?" His ability to make bad puns even at 3:12 in the morning astounds me


Unknown said...


It was "bladderies," thank you very much.

LJ said...

Genuine., did you make the PUN laugh when he did?

Emily said...

Your bladder should be relieved to know...? Heh heh heh.

Lindsey Pedersen said...

Sometimes in my sleep I say weird things like "Scottish fashions."

Lisa B. said...

Lucky laughing in the middle of the night! Some of the best kind of laughing.*

*other kinds of good laughing:

1. so hard your stomach hurts
2. so surprised that stuff comes out your nose
3. when you're driving on the freeway
4. first thing in the morning

Keith said...

bladderies, bahahaha.